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Business Roundup: Friday Night Jams, The Studio and Scottie Pippen

Conway Institute of Music

In this month’s roundup, we check in on The Studio’s fundraiser campaign, check out Round Mountain Jams, recall the day Scottie Pippen was honored at UCA, and go over a few new features at Conway Scene.

Friday Night Jams is back.

Over the past few years, honestly, one of my favorite things to do is go to Friday Night Jams at Round Mountain Coffee. Live music and coffee, what could be better?

I have met some really talented musicians and some really nice people over the years. I have seen Brad Byrd, Townsend, Amanda Tice, TC Poole, Sierra Carson, and many others.

I took a gander at the July lineup, and there will also be a Poetry Reading night supporting the City of Hope Outreach.

Friday Night Jams are on Friday nights at 6 pm. I look forward to seeing you at one of them soon!


The Studio Downtown is nearing the end of its Kickstarter campaign

The Studio Downtown is nearing the end of its Kickstarter Campaign to expand its co-work space.

I believe that the expanded co-work space can greatly benefit downtown Conway and the city as a whole.

If you aren’t aware, The Studio will be expanding to the entire historic EM Jeans building.

This will benefit all solopreneurs, small business owners, creators, and other businesses in Conway.

I have watched both Jessica Crum and Kate Carnahan as they started The Studio, watched their vision grow, and put the hard work in to help their fellow business people.

To be quite honest, I am really proud of their initiative, and I think they will be rewarded for this project.

I encourage you to take a moment to support this project. Even a small amount will help, but they have put together some prizes for various amounts that supporters give.

Give here


Scottie Pippen Court at the UCA Farris Center

UCA basketball legend and former Chicago Bulls star Scottie Pippen was honored earlier this month with his name on the court at the Farris Center.

Pippen, who came to UCA from Hamburg, was a two-time NAIA All-American. He had a stellar career in the NBA with the Bulls and Michael Jordan.

Pippen was visibly touched and had tears while accepting the honor.

The court named in his honor was a well-deserved honor for a man who put UCA on the map in the area of basketball.

So in the 2021-22 basketball season, when you watch the UCA Bears play at the Farris Center, it will be on Scottie Pippen Court.

New Conway Scene Features

We have implemented a couple of new features at Conway Scene. First, we set up a job board. The job board is very new. We ran a trial of a few jobs in the month of June.

Job listings are $30 per job. We will promote them in the newsletter and on the homepage. Additionally, they will promote job listings on our Facebook page.

We have also put up a few advertising opportunities. You can see them on this page.

The one I want to highlight is the Featured Article. We are running a special on that one for the Summer.

Wrapping it up

Is there a new business you are looking forward to seeing in Conway (not Olive Garden!)? Does your company have news to share in the next month?ย Drop us a noteย and let us know or send us your press release.

Or you can email us at biz@conwayscene.com.

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