By: Kira Jinkins, College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office
CONWAY — The University of Central Arkansas will welcome Larry, Steve, and Rudy of The Gatlin Brothers to Reynolds Performance Hall at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14.
The Gatlin Brothers’ “Country & Christmas” will showcase some of their most popular hits and holiday favorites, along with stories of their career and songwriting process.
The Grammy Award-winning trio have been dazzling audiences all over the world for more than 60 years and have accumulated a lifetime of achievements, including a Grammy Award for Best Country Song for “Broken Lady,” an Academy of Country Music (ACM) Single of the Year Award for “All the Gold in California,” an ACM Album of the Year Award for “Straight Ahead” and many others. Larry ranks as Billboard’s No. 4 solo writer of all time, after producing 40 hits and recording songs with artists such as Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand, and Johnny Cash.

“The Gatlin Brothers are a part of our ‘Best of Reynolds’ series, where we are bringing back crowd favorites from past years to celebrate our 20th season,” said Amanda Horton, director of Reynolds Performance Hall. “These brothers are amazingly talented musicians and will entertain our audience with their long list of hits.”
Tickets are $30 to $50 for adults and $10 for children and students. Tickets may be purchased online at, at the Reynolds Box Office from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by calling UCA Ticket Central at (501) 450-3265 or toll-free at (866) 810-0012.

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