CONWAY — The Baum Gallery at the University of Central Arkansas is set to host its Spring BFA/BA senior show April 4-26.
The exhibition is free and open to the public. The Baum Gallery, located in McCastlain Hall, is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday and from 10 a.m. to7 p.m. Thursday. Opening receptions are set for Thursday, April 4 from 4-7 p.m., followed by another on Sunday, April 7 from 2-4 p.m. The last day for the exhibition is April 26.
During this exhibition, graduating BFA/BA students work with the with the director of the Baum Gallery to install their work. This experience gives students the opportunity to show their work in a professional environment. This event also continues the Baum Gallery’s mission to promote contemporary art for the larger UCA and Conway communities.
This exhibition is a requirement for graduating students with a BA or BFA in art.
“This exhibition is the culmination of their art education at UCA. Collectively, the work represents a cross section of the overall effort in the art department,” said Bryan W. Massey Sr., professor and interim chair of the Department of Art. “Working with the Baum Gallery, the exhibition also provides a museum venue for the students’ work to be seen individually and in concert with the work of their peers.”
Those exhibiting include:
Bachelor of Arts in Art, Fine Art Emphasis: Christen Danner.
Bachelor of Arts in Art: Nadeen Al Senan, Abigail Barham, Radiant Caldwell, Hannah Claunch, Meagan Edmunds, Tiffany Gabbard, Victoria Grady, Kreylon Gulley, Haily Hall, Hannah Hill, Taylor Lehmann, Rachel Nabholz, Nick Palmer, Lauren (Tink) Prendergrass, Alexis Shaw, Brittany Simmons, Jessica Slover, Katie Smith, Adrienne Thompson II, Quyen Truong, Alexis Wheeler.
This exhibition is the second BFA/BA show of this school year. The Baum Gallery organizes about six exhibitions per year and attempts to incorporate student work when appropriate.
“This exhibition is an important tradition that a number of people in the UCA community enjoy visiting, and it also gives the majority of the students their first true museum venue,” said Brian Young, director of the Baum Gallery.

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