Raven Nobles

Podcast: Season 2; Episode 5: Learning more about Raven Nobles

Conway Institute of Music

Today on the Weekly podcast we visit with UCA student and Conway Scene writer Raven Nobles.


Show Notes

Raven @ Conway Scene

Bear Serves

Creative Institute

Art Walk

April Art Walk

PR & Communications, UCA

Music by Joystock – https://www.joystock.org

The transcript is generated automatically and may contain inconsistencies.




Hey, everyone, welcome to the weekly podcast by Conway Scene. I am your host Todd Jones and today I am pleased to have with me Raven Nobles who has been writing articles for the Conway Scene this spring. And is a student at the University of Central Arkansas in the Pr and communications department and we I’m gonna get her on to talk about that and a few other things. So Raven welcome and tell us a little bit about yourself.


Raven Nobles 

Yes, well thank you for having me on the podcast. I’m excited to be a part of it and I’m excited to tell you all all the things about me. So yes I am a senior at the University Of Central Arkansas and I’m meuring in public relations and minoring and communication. Um, like Todd and I were talking about earlier I’m not actually from Conway. I grew up in Russellville, Arkansas which is about forty five fifty minutes from here and I came to ah Conway for college. I originally started at Hendrix and then I transferred to UCA between my freshman and sophomore year and right now I am working as ah, assistant art art coordinator for the creative institute downtown and I’m writing. Stories for Todd for Conway Scene and then I also do a little bit of freelance work with Iprov advertising and little rock and what else is there? oh.



Bear serves.


Raven Nobles 

Yeah, Bear Serves. I am a quarter time Americorps member with Bear Serves at UCA.



Yeah, so now your bear serves that brings you in um into working with Coho right? City of Hope outreach.


Raven Nobles 

Yeah I work with City of Hope Outreach through Bear Serves leaders. So what I do there is I go to their after school academy and I help kids with homework I play with the kids I talk to them and Dr Phil Fletcher is the man behind COHO um I love him and I love what he has done and continues to do for conway I think it’s a really great thing and I’m so glad that I got to participate in that through bear serve leaders and after transferring from Hendrix to UCA and then covid happening.





Raven Nobles 

Really love the program that is Bear Serves and was like Ray Bill who is our basically our advisor for the program and just being able to meet everyone and actually being able to create a positive change in the community while making friends. That’s my.


Raven Nobles 

Favorite thing in the whole entire world and working with a nonprofit like Coho Truly it just makes my heart So happy.



Yeah now Raven makes friends wherever she goes. She’s a very friendly person and so communicating I would think that’s something that I might say comes easily to you but you are really good at meeting people. Can you talk a little bit about it?


Raven Nobles 




That skill set and how it has helped you with bear serves and conway art walk.


Raven Nobles 

Yeah, absolutely um I will say before I was a communication minor I was actually environmental science major so kind of did a 3 60 Um ah thirty sixty haha one eighty





Raven Nobles 

Numbers. Ah, but yeah I started talking to 1 of the professors here at uca because I was like the science and math classes. I just don’t think they’re for me. I’m not happy I’m doing good in them. But they’re not what I necessarily like, you know. And then he was like hmm, Maybe you should talk to the communication department. Little did I know that his wife worked in the communications department. He didn’t tell me that I walked him into the room I was like I don’t like biology very much and she goes who’s your professor and so I said her husband so that was funny. We bonded over that.



Oh yeah.





Raven Nobles 

And originally in high school I was going to go to u of a for communications. So you always find your path you know and I found that here at Uca and communication is something that. It’s extremely important being able to effectively communicate with others is something that a lot of people don’t know how to do or don’t know how to do well and um, Drew Bear ser leaders and through the internship with art walk in the creative events too i’ve. Really been able to use my degree and I haven’t even graduated yet. Most people talk about how they never get to use their degree or a degree is an important and while I agree with that in some cases I think in my case, it’s different um being able to learn from professionals like.


Raven Nobles 

Dr. Jj Mcintyre Dr Christopher owewin and Dr Nel Bedner has really shaped how I communicate with others and how I listen to others you know and that’s one of the biggest things about communication learning to listen to others not just waiting for your turn to talk. Um and I’ve also learned that through my pr class. Is with Dr Mclemore Dr. Brown Dr Jacoby Dr Hawkins all of them truly try to show you how to communicate with others and make them feel like what they’re saying is important because everyone really just wants someone to listen and through bear ser leaders i. Been able to see that and those little kids that I volunteer with I just want someone to listen the people who I do tax and take for the they’re there for a service you know, but I want to give them more than that when I make them feel like hey you’re. Here and I’m here we’re both just humans. Let’s talk a little bit and then with art walk. That’s my job. You know I mean yeah, it’s event planning but it’s also making sure that the creatives who do apply to be a part of art walk and a part of the event happens every month that what. They’re doing their challenge their voices their seeing and her so I think that learning to communicate in that way and show people that they are important is one of the reasons I’m here you know on this planet and I’m really grateful that I found that niche in. U she and in conway and in my community and I’m happy to say that bear surfs leaders is one of the greatest things that’s ever happened to me because it’s not only allowing me to do that. But it’s showing me that hard work does pay off whenever you try.



Now you are telling Leslie all that right.


Raven Nobles 

Oh yeah I tell Leslie like every single week I am so appreciative of you and I’m so grateful that you are here and that this program is a thing because I truly think that is important and i. Just emailed her right before this forecast and I was like I appreciate all that you do for this program and for me because it’s a lot and it means the world.



So let’s set down on that just a little bit um is Bear Serves something like you’re required to do or is that something you just decided to do How did all that come about for you.


Raven Nobles 

Okay, actually Dr Riva Brown she is always she’s a pr professor and she’s always posting things and actually I can attribute both bear surf leaders and my internship to Dr Brown she’s always posting opportunities and these things and I saw that at bear service leaders was something that she had posted and originally when I came to Hendrix I was a service scholar so I would serve as a part of my attendance to the college.


Raven Nobles 

And they’t want our chancellor to UCA I wanted to find something new I thought again but I didn’t really do any like in-depth research you know and then Dr Brown posted the various serve leaders thing I was like oh my god this is exactly what I’ve been looking for so it’s not mandatory. It’s voluntary. So um I signed up and actually the applications are still open for anyone who does want to do it. You don’t have to be a Uca student to do it. We have Hendrik students and I think you can even be like someone in the community you know because it is just it’s a meritor program. So.





Raven Nobles 

They accept a lot of people. Um, but yeah, it’s four hundred and fifty hours over the course of 2 so like four hundred and fifty hours over the course of two semesters and you go to different service sites like united way like city of hope outreach like the juvenile detention center. And the urban the what’s it called Faulkner County Urban Farm the little farm behind the garden behind a library. Yeah, and you go to different sites like that and you just you serve the community that is Conway and it’s a gorgeous thing because you get to meet people you get to see your hard work.



The library. Yeah.


Raven Nobles 

Like benefit those around you. So yeah and is kind of what their serve leaders is um I am an extroverted Introvert Actually yeah.



Are you an extrovert? Okay, yeah, um, so you’re a little bit of an introvert but kind of on the extroverted side because you have no problem and the first time I met Raven she turned and smiled at me. It’s like she knew who I was or something I didn’t know was just like.


Raven Nobles 

Oh yeah.



And and it’s just been like that ever since. So um, so it’s really interesting to me and I think this is an important thing to point out, you’re you’re in communication. That’s what you’re going to. That’s the field you’re going into That’s what you’re studying now you already do it which I think’


Raven Nobles 




Phenomenal that as a college student you didn’t wait Till you’re done to go start trying to do it. You’re doing it now. It takes a lot of energy to do that and you had to push other things aside um I don’t know where you get the energy but that’s why I like hanging out with people your age because they make me feel more energetic because I don’t have any so it’s like anyway.


Raven Nobles 

Um, oh yeah, it does take a lot of energy.


Raven Nobles 




But you the what you talked about was communication and the importance of listening and I think maybe there is ah you know people might assume that communication has more about you talking and that is part of it right? You do have to be able to present yourself. But.


Raven Nobles 




Can you talk about the value of communication being listening.


Raven Nobles 

Yeah, 100% um I took a class that was completely on non-verbal communication communication doesn’t just have to be talking. Communication is listening in communication is non-verbals communication is just being able to affect. Watch someone else’s party language you know and so whenever I came into the communication field. That’s what I thought about communication is talking. Public speaking is being able to look at a crowd of people and execute your message. You know. And once I bought further into the minor it was my major but I only needed 2 more classes to make it my major and I decided not to do it. I should have done it. But um once I got into the classes talking about interpersonal interpersonal communication and nonverbal communication and gender communication I started realizing wow it’s what we don’t say that really communicates something. It’s watching someone react to a situation and you can see how they’re feeling or what their body language is saying to you. You know? and. That’s the thing with humans as a whole. We just want someone to listen to us. That’s really what we want someone to make us feel like we’re important, someone to make us feel like we’re someone and so within my classes. Learning about the different communication theories like social learning theory and the gender schema theory. It’s really important to understand how others communicate because I know how my family unit communicates and how our different roles. Dictate our communication but understanding different cultures and understanding. Oh that person wasn’t raised the same way as me so they’re gonna think about things differently than I do. That’s the most important whenever it comes to communication in my book and through the. Through my classes there Dr Nell edner this one of the smartest women I have ever met in my entire life I’ve learned that what is super important whenever it comes to communication is being open to receiving communication because I can. I can be a drill sergeant I can tell you exactly what I want when I want it how I want it and where I want it. But that’s not communication. That’s a 1 sided conversation you know and so just really being able to understand how.


Raven Nobles 

Ah, there has to be an open dialogue. It has to flow from both sides. That’s whenever you understand communication.



Now take a little turn here in the conversation. Um, you’re you’re busy enough right? You do Conway Scene, art walk and and you do the bear serves and you probably got a full load and who knows what else you do you do things to your friends and I think you said you.



And participate in a podcast on Tuesdays and but but in spite of all that earlier this year I think January you put up some kind of posts about how you wanted to do some writing and next thing I know I’m being pinged by Dr Brown and


Raven Nobles 

Um, is b.



Talking to you at blue Cell coffee and so what made you decide that you wanted to do some writing and why was Conway seen a good fit for you.


Raven Nobles 

Okay, um, well actually writing reading and talking to people Those are three of my favorite things in the whole entire world and I haven’t written the way that I’ve wanted to in a long time and. So the writing is for me like whenever I write like riding and walking those are my Meditations I could walk for hours and I could write for hours and while I was doing all of these things I was like something is still missing like I’m not getting what. I Feel like I need you know and then I saw that conway scene was the thing and I was like oh my gosh. This is so cool and if he’s looking for writers. Why don’t I just write an article every once in a while. Why don’t I just write about the people in our community. Who are doing something great and who may not be getting their recognition or if they are getting the recognition. Why are they getting that recognition. You know, um I feel like I want to know about other people. I’m a people person. I Love learning about other people and what makes them tick and like. Why they are the way they are and so I was like oh my gosh Conway Scene. This is such a good idea like I get to meet more people, I get to talk to people on my favorite things and I get to write about my favorite things. I get to read one of my favorite things so it just kind of fell into alignment with. Who I was what I wanted and what I want to be you know and being able to also have this for my portfolio is an added bonus and I get to be like yeah I wrote that and yeah I wrote it about this person because they’re important and they need their voice heard.



Yeah, and so far you’ve done exactly what I would you know here’s here’s the thing about braveven I don’t have to say Raven I want you to do this I want you do this. She brings ideals to me, you know I’m not.


Raven Nobles 




Having to generate ideas for Raven and that you can’t ask for a better situation so that I’m thinking before the first 2 articles she brought to mirror people I would have never known about so I’m really grateful for that and she has a knack for telling a story in a conversational way. And which is not something you always see at somebody Ravens age to be doing so she’s already ahead of the game in my opinion. So very thankful for that I tell you that here publicly and I wish I had 10 ravens every semester so that? Yeah yeah.


Raven Nobles 

Um, why does that make sense? Ah, thank you.



So now let’s switch to Conway Art Walk. How did you get involved with that and what does that entail you doing and we will kind of close down with talking about the next one which will be in april.


Raven Nobles 

Okay, yeah again, Dr. Brown um Dr. Brown and Jessica Crumb. Jessica Crum is the person behind the creative institute behind Silver Lake design studio she is my boss. And Dr Brown and her are mutual if they know one another and it’s kind of crazy because with a self-reliant design studio I had interviewed with them before and I didn’t get it just because. Was during covid times and I was in arrest while it was in conway I didn’t know if I wanted to drive back and forth covid was happening and then again I reached out last summer to Kate Carnahan who is one of the people at the designer and ah studio.


Raven Nobles 

And I was like I want to work for y’all, can I have an interview and then I got the chance to stay in Hawaii last summer and so I was like okay I’m not coming back to Arkansas yet and then Dr Brown posted this thing. Um, this. This job form or something like that I was like they need somebody for the art walk and I was like oh my god third times the charm this is my chance here I am and so I immediately went there and it was literally the day of art walk and they were like can you go pick up the linns unitfer lopezfer is an amazing guitar.



Maybe just.


Raven Nobles 

And um, they were like can you go pick up polluted and I was like yes, let me go, I’ll go get them right now. So that’s how I got involved with art walk and from that it’s um, evolved I am now the sister art walk coordinator and I’m actually about to be the program assistant. Meaning that I will be doing art walk and then I will also be helping with the creative institute school which is a year which a year long gap program. Honestly, it Is a vocational school. It’s helping young creatives like hone their skills and they.





Raven Nobles 

Are a nonprofit for young creatives you know and that’s what art walk is art walk every time you spend money at art walk it either goes directly to the artists and creatives who are there or it goes to. Funding a scholarship for a young creative student who wants to get better at what they want to do like photography videography graphic design things like that and so with the internship I’ve been able to use my degree I’ve been able to use my public relations planning. And organizing a PR campaign I’ve been able to communicate effectively with artists who are involved in art walk and who are looking to be more involved in the conway community and I’ve been able to see my communication skills at work and see what it means to. Be persistent in a workplace what it means to actually believe in something and see those dreams come true because I’ve truly seen what I can do as an individual is so much and I wish other people realized that like. 1 single person can do so much more than you think you can and you should never downplay yourself because you are so capable and through art walk seeing. 15 plus artists and 12 plus retailers come together one night each month and have an event like art walk is amazing. We have artists that have came from 3 different countries Japan Mexico the Bahamas we’ve had. Um, attendees of artworks come all the way from Memphis to see it and it’s just a beautiful thing because everyone is there to support one another and to support the community and being able to be a part at a both event like that it literally gives me goose bones. Because everyone wants to be a supportive of one another and it’s just an amazing endeavor and I’m glad that I get to be a part of it I’m grateful that I have people who. Support me to do it and a team that uplifts me and it’s just I love it so much. Um, yes, actually we’ll be taking off for June and July and coming back in august.



So you got 2 more this semester right? And do you take off for the summer? That’s how that works. August okay I was just looking at the events on Facebook and a notice that ended in may and ah and when we put it on the calendar earlier this year I noticed that as well. So all the art walk events are on the community calendar which is sponsored by.


Raven Nobles 




Haynes ace hardware shout out to them for sponsoring the conway scene community calendar. Yeah yeah, um, so it’s grilling seasons. You might want to go look and see if you can get a new grill down there to Haynes Ace hardware but um.


Raven Nobles 

Thank you Haynes.



All those events are on the Conway Scene community calendar and like I said there there will be 1 in April and then their last Thursday of the month is that right? Third Thursday of the month okay and then there’ll be 1 in may and then like she said it’ll take a break for June and July ah.


Raven Nobles 

Um, their third Thursday every yeah.


Raven Nobles 




Yeah, and unfortunately I haven’t made it to any single one of them yet and I keep intending to and something always comes up and so I feel bad if somebody’s come from Memphis to to watch it and I’ve yet to make it because I’m Li office is literally like 2 blocks from where that takes place. So I know I know.


Raven Nobles 

Um, you gotta make it to the April one. Oh there we go.



I go up there next time and you can buy me a hot dog. Yeah, um, thanks for coming on Raven. I enjoyed having you on I enjoyed the articles so far.


Raven Nobles 



Raven Nobles 




Look forward to seeing what you do next year, whatever it is I’m sure it’s gonna be bigger and better. So at least I can say yeah she did some time with the Conway Scene and so I’m proud of that I’m proud that you were able to come along and.


Raven Nobles 




Help out with that with 1 guy who wrote several years ago who was a UCA student. Actually he had graduated when he wrote for us. But he’s now like putting out comic books and doing drives on yeah, it’s fantastic I love watching what he’s doing and so.


Raven Nobles 



Raven Nobles 

Oh that’s so cool.



Yeah, it’s it’s been fun I look forward i’ ah i’ a look for some more ravens next year to see if I can find 1 but anyway um, tell us how we can find you online so that everybody listening wants to see more about what Raven’s doing


Raven Nobles 

Yeah, absolutely so you can follow me on Instagram and my Instagram is my middle name and my last name which is gypsy nobles and then you can also find me on Linkedin as Raven Nobles and on Facebook as Raven Nobles and then if you want to come to the studio downtown I’m there quite frequently and that’s where the creative institute is hosted and it’s a co-working space. So that’s also really cool. Um, and that’s where my internship is. Is there anywhere else you can find me?



Somewhere you see I’m sure.


Raven Nobles 

I have a Twitter but it’s not active. Yeah I’m on UCA campus quite a bit if I’m not here I’m at the studio. so yeah so I graduate may Seventh Twenty Twenty Two yeah not at all just just.



Yep, now you graduate in May. Is that correct? Yeah and she’s not counting down that at all. Ah, not at all. Yeah.


Raven Nobles 

Like thirty three days I think



All right? Well thanks for coming on and hanging out with me and chatting and getting a chance to learn a little bit more about you and what you’re doing.


Raven Nobles 

Yeah I hope that I get to see you at the April Twenty first art walk from 5 to 8 p m fingers crossed. Thank you.



We’re gonna. We’re gonna try. We’re gonna try. Thank you.

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