Luke Brock

Meet your Barista: Luck Brock from Round Mountain Coffee

Conway Institute of Music

If you make it into Round Mountain Coffee, at some point, you will see this guy who has an infectious laugh, a huge smile, and long locks of hair. I affectionately refer to him as Viking. He kind of looks like one.

Luke Brock will always make you smile. He is very welcoming when you arrive if he isn’t in the back fulfilling wholesale orders or roasting beans.

In this Meet your Barista,ย we introduce you to the energetic and the good-hearted Luke Brock from Round Mountain Coffee.

Short Bio
My name is Luke Brock. I am a follower of Christ. I am a HUGE Star Wars nerd. I do not count the movies 7-9 as Star Wars movies. I am a military history nerd. My interest in military/ history has grown to learn the many perspectives of each war. I am a sports guy. Hockey is my favorite sport, followed by volleyball. I have a wife, her name is Alex (the love of my life), and a second child on the way. Huge fan of witty humor. My favorite TV show being M*A*S*H. This concludes my short bio. ๐Ÿ™‚

Luke Brock
Coffee Shop:
Round Mountain Coffee Co.


I am not in school

Bryant, AR

Luke Brock

What is one thing about you people would be surprised to


I am an open book, honestly. Maybe two things people don’t know about me is I battled cancer back in 2012 for 6 months and have been cancer-free since then. And my wife and I will soon be the proud parents of two little ones. Our first baby boy is in Heaven chillin with his Heavenly Dad. His name is Cassian. Then we have another one on the way. We are excited to be on this journey again.

What is your favorite thing to do in Conway?

Play volleyball at either Don Owens or McGee.

What is the one activity that you can get lost for hours doing?

Playing volleyball at Don Owens or McGee. If we can get an ice rink in Conway, it would be hockey.

How long have you been pulling shots?

Collectively a little over three years

What is your favorite part of the job?

Drinking the tasty nitro cold brew and having a good conversation with regular at our shop.

What is your favorite coffee brew method?

It’s a toss-up between our cold brew tower method and our V60 slow brew

What is your favorite drink on your coffee shopโ€™s menu?

Our Nitro Cold Brew. Maybe one day, we will have it year-round.

Luke Brock
Luke Brock

What is your favorite virtue?

Wisdom, hands down. Wisdom, I think, has the trickle-down effect on the way you should live in your areas of life.

What do you appreciate the most in your friends?

Loyalty and Honesty. I think with honesty, your friendship is more authentic and real, and you are able to get the fullness and richness out of every moment within that relationship. Loyalty is hanging with that friend even in the low moments, teachable moments, and the high moments.

What is your idea of happiness?

Doing my best to be Christ-like and doing that with my friends and family. Whatever experience comes my way, just keeping my focus on Jesus because we can experience the joy and happiness that never loses its authenticity through Him.

If not yourself, who would you be?

Honestly, I would be myself. I think myself is pretty cool. There is only one of me, and I think trying to be someone else is a bit selfish. Now, if I can pull knowledge and life tips from someone, it would be King David, his Solomon, Peter, and Paul.

Where would you most like to live?

Anywhere from Central and Northwest Arkansas to the Midwest, stopping at Montana. I am a big hockey fan, and I am getting into hunting. The Midwest has beautiful scenery and hockey teams.

What is your ideal occupation?

I wanna be a children’s pastor at a church that teaches from the Bible without compromise. Maybe one day ๐Ÿ™‚

Wrapping it up

Head on down to Round Mountain Coffee to meet Luke and pick up his favorite beverage, the Nitro Cold Brew.

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