I like to refer to Holly Davis as the queen of the Aeropress. If you ever walk into Round Mountain Coffee while she’s on the bar, ask her for the Todd Aeropress special.
This month, we are sitting down with the barista from Round Mountain Coffee.
CS: What is one thing about you people would be surprised to know?

Oh gosh, I’m pretty predictable. Oh wait, I used to only listen to country music and I wore cowboy boots and camo. That would hopefully be surprising to anyone that knows me now. I would like to think I’ve changed a lot.
CS: What is your favorite thing to do in Conway?
Well, I go to Round Mountain like every day and I really enjoy just going there to read or hang out with my husband, Alex, or hang out with my friends Hanna and Addie. That’s basically all I do, so it’s probably my favorite. I also really enjoy riding bikes with Alex and listening to music while we ride.
CS: What is the one activity that you can get lost for hours doing?
So I’m pretty lame and if I get on YouTube, I can get lost for hours. I only ever watch videos about theology or band interviews, but I can get sucked in real quick.
Name: Holly Davis
Coffee Shop: Round Mountain Coffee
Age: 21
School/Status: University of Central Arkansas/Graduating in the fall
Hometown: Keller, TX
CS: How long have you been working for Round Mountain Coffee?
I got hired in January, so only about 5 months
CS: How long have you been pulling shots?
5 months haha. RMC is my first job in coffee
CS: What is your favorite part of the job?
I genuinely enjoy making the drinks. Trying to perfect the flat white or the cortado is really fun for me. I also enjoy having really awesome bosses. They’re always so encouraging and they really care about their employees and that’s probably the best part.
CS: What is your favorite coffee brew method?
I would probably have to say pour over. Unless we’re including espresso, because then I would say espresso machine. I love a good dopio.
CS: What is your favorite drink on your coffee shop’s menu?
One & One. For sure.
CS: What is your favorite virtue?
Hmm..favorite virtue..probably compassion. I don’t think there’s anything more beautiful than watching people be compassionate.
CS: What do you appreciate the most in your friends?
They’re the funniest people I’ve ever met. Me, Hanna, and Addie can laugh at the dumbest stuff for hours. Also, they’re really supportive and push me toward Christ.
CS: Your idea of happiness?
I adhere to John Piper’s concept of Christian Hedonism. Basically, God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. So my idea of happiness would be satisfaction in Christ and enjoying Him forever.
CS: If not yourself, who would you be?
Hayley Williams.
CS: Where would you most like to live?
I don’t know. I used to say the Pacific Northwest and while I think it’s awesome and I would love it, I’ve been really thankful for where I am. If Alex is around, I’m happy. It’s less about the place and more about the people.
CS: What is your ideal occupation?

Definitely owning a record store. I’ve started an album review/interview website called Melted Calf Records (www.meltedcalfrecords.com) and it’s hopefully the start of what will someday be a real store. I’m trying to start small and slow, because I’m poor and because my husband and I are both still in school, but it’s my dream and I’m starting to believe it could really happen. I care about music a lot and I would love to get to interact with it every day for my career. I’m a philosophy major, so it’s not like I’m ever going to get a real job anyway.
Melted Calf Records is holding a Kickstarter campaign to fund a trip to Illinois. I know Holly would appreciate your support!
Thanks for chatting Holly!

Todd is a copywriter, content strategist, digital marketer and the Publisher for Conway Scene. He enjoys coffee from the local coffee shops, learning the stories of new friends, pro wrestling, and dirt track racing.