Discussion on related topics to follow Wednesday afternoon, March 1
CONWAY, Arkansas (February 24, 2023)—Hendrix College welcomes Dr. Geoffrey P. Levin on Tuesday, Feb. 28, to deliver the 2023 Ben J. Altheimer Lecture on Judaism and Civil Rights. The lecture begins at 7 p.m. in Worsham Hall South, on the first floor of the Student Life and Technology Center (building 2 on the current campus map). This event is free and open to the public.

Levin’s appearance is supported by the Ben J. Altheimer Charitable Foundation, which sponsors the Altheimer Lectures. The bi-annual lecture is intended to highlight the role of Jews and/or Judaism in the pursuit of civil rights.
Levin’s lecture will explore the reality that for centuries, being Jewish automatically meant being a minority, but with Israel’s birth, that suddenly changed. After 1948, Israel’s control over a Palestinian minority led American Jews to grapple with new dilemmas.
The event is hosted by the College’s Marshall T. Steel Center for Religion and Philosophy. A reception will follow.
Levin will also lead the Steel Center’s Wednesday Afternoon Discussion at 4:10 p.m. March 1, in Ellis Hall (building 20 on the current campus map). As with the Altheimer Lecture, the Wednesday Afternoon Discussion is free and open to the public. The topic is Pluralism and Religion in Modern Israel.

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