CONWAY—The University of Central Arkansas Reynolds Performance Hall welcomes bestselling author and founder of the PostSecret Project, Frank Warren on Friday, Oct. 28, at 7:30 p.m.
In this uplifting presentation, Warren will speak on PostSecret, sharing secrets, mental health, reducing stigma and building a community of support.
Warren’s PostSecret Project is a growing collection of over one million artful secrets, mailed to his home on postcards. He started PostSecret as a community art project, inviting strangers to anonymously mail in their never-voiced-before secrets on homemade postcards, sparking a global phenomenon.
He has appeared on CBS Sunday Morning, Good Morning America, the Today Show, CNN and NPR discussing the PostSecret Play, the two traveling art exhibits and the emotional PostSecret events held around the world.
Six New York Times bestselling PostSecret books include “PostSecret Confessions on Life” and “Death and God,” which reached No. 1 on the list.
Warren has traveled around the world sharing secrets and stories from Australia to Canada. His TED Talk has been viewed more than three million times and was called “The #1 TED Talk that holds the key to public speaking genius” by Forbes magazine.
Every month, over four million people visit the award-winning PostSecret website which has raised over $1 million for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. Warren has been awarded the Mental Health Advisory Lifetime Achievement Award for his work on suicide prevention and was invited to the White House to work on issues of mental wellness.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students. Tickets are on sale now and may be purchased at the Reynolds Box Office Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., online at or by calling UCA Ticket Central at (501) 450-3265 or toll-free at (866) 810-0012.

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