Monday, August 22, 2022 is the first day of school in Conway. It is also the first day of school in Greenbrier and Vilonia.
Mayflower starts back on Tuesday, the 23rd. That means all of the local public schools as well as our local private schools will be back in session this week!
UCA and Hendrix College start back this week as well. Central Baptist College started late last week. St. Joseph and Conway Christian Schools have also started back.
There is so much to be aware of once the kids go back to school.
The weather may not feel like it, but with school starting back, essentially, fall activities have arrived. Are you ready?
Let’s look at a few things to think about going into the end of August and into September.
First day of school means Buses
Pay attention to the buses. You know, the big yellow vehicles that sit up tall and are 20 feet long or so.
Don’t pass buses when they are loading or unloading kids. It is against the law.
Remember, “Flashing red, Kids ahead!”
Be aware when you drive through a school zone during school times. Slow your speed to 20 mph.
These children deserve for us to pay attention because their safety is in our hands.

For many incoming college students (we have three colleges!) this is the first time they have ever encountered a roundabout. We have about 30 of them according to Conway NOW.
Just as many had to be patient when we were learning, let’s try to be patient for these new college students. Also, remember, when someone is attempting to cross the street in a roundabout, we have to yield. There are crosswalks in the roundabout, so be careful!

Fall sports return!
Friday night, September 2nd, the Conway Wampus cats will host Bentonville in their first game. One night earlier, the UCA Bears will host Missouri State in their first game of the year at Estes Stadium in Conway.
Many fall sports will kick off, including football, volleyball, tennis, golf and much more, including youth football.
We will have lots of opportunities to watch our young people and students compete in the next few months. This is an opportunity to support our students.
If your youth sports team would like to have your scores and stories at Conway Scene, contact me. I am working on a form that will allow you to submit your information. I’ve been in touch with local youth football leagues to get that information this season.
Other events to pay attention to
Conway Art Walk
The Conway Art Walk returns this year for its second season. I visited with The Studio’s Jessica Crum the other day and it was clear that she was excited.
The art walk is moving to Friday evenings and starts on September 2nd. The first weekend of Art Walk will also include an After Party at The Max Venue.
Reynolds 2022-2023 Season
Reynolds Performance Hall will kick off its 2022-2023 season in September with Spamilton: An American Parody. You can learn more about the performances and the season here. You may also want to listen to our podcast episode with Amanda Horton and Wendy Sparks of Reynolds Performance Hall as we discuss the season and the history of Reynolds.
Here are a few other events you may be interested in learning more about. These events are in August or September.
Friday Night Jams at Round Mountain Coffee
Arkansas Comi-Con in Little Rock
First Annual Podcast Conference
Conway Symphony Orchestra Free Concert in the Park
Oktoberfest at Salscilla Farms
Annual Festival of Chairs by Children’s Advocacy Alliance
Off the Clock open houses: St. Joseph High School; Arnold Innovation Center
These events are just the tip of the iceberg. We have plenty of events on the calendar through the end of September and we are accumulating more for October. If you are interested in submitting your event you can do that via our form here.
Give us 24-48 hours to approve your event.
Welcome to Fall! Once school starts, we start rolling and it’s fast. Don’t forget to check out the Haynes ACE Hardware Community Calendar at Conway Scene.

Todd is a copywriter, content strategist, digital marketer and the Publisher for Conway Scene. He enjoys coffee from the local coffee shops, learning the stories of new friends, pro wrestling, and dirt track racing.