CONWAY—In recognition of National Apprenticeship Week, the Arkansas Coding Academy at the University of Central Arkansas will host its first Employer Informational meeting and open house Thursday, Nov. 16 from 5-7 p.m. at UCA Downtown located at1105 West Oak Street in downtown, Conway.
Earlier this year UCA earned the title of the state’s first Registered Information Technology Apprenticeship Program.
“We want to offer local employers an opportunity to learn more about opportunities to partner with the Arkansas Coding Academy’s apprenticeship program,” said Mary Dunlap director of UCA’s Arkansas Coding Academy. “We’ve had tremendous success with Metova’s apprenticeship program, and we want more companies to come aboard.”

The Department of Workforce Services and U.S. Department of Labor has supported the Arkansas Coding Academy’s efforts since its inception by making funds available so more dislocated and unemployed workers can afford the training and now become paid apprentices for local tech companies.
The employer informational session is free and open to the public. Local employers who are interested in learning more about developing an apprenticeship program for computer programming and other information technology talent are encouraged to attend.
For more information, visit or contact Dunlap at 501-450-5276 or

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