CONWAY — The University of Central Arkansas is now accepting applications for the 2020-21 Conway Area Youth Leadership Institute (CAYLI), formerly known as the Faulkner County Youth Leadership Institute.
CAYLI is designed to develop leadership potential in 11th- and 12th-grade students. The institute consists of a two-day overnight retreat and seven monthly sessions, which cover human services, education, media/technology, health care, work world/the economy, government, the court system, the environment and agriculture. A community service project is also a vital part of the curriculum.
“Our community is faced with many of the challenges that accompany the aspects of a growing area. CAYLI addresses those challenges and exposes our youth to opportunities for community involvement and improvement,” said Shaneil Ealy, associate vice president for the Division of Outreach and Community Engagement.
CAYLI is facilitated by the UCA Division of Outreach and Community Engagement, graduates of the Faulkner County Leadership Institute and dedicated volunteers.
Applications are now open for the 2020-21 school year. Faulkner County students currently in the 10th and 11th grades are eligible to apply. Applications are available online at
For more information, contact Ealy at (501) 450-5266 or

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